18th Peterswald Heimattreffen in Hainburg

For the eighteenth year, the Peterswalder home community invites its compatriots to the godfather community of Hainburg for the eighteenth time.

The meeting, to which visitors from the Erzgebirge neighboring towns of Nollendorf and Schönwaid are expected, will take place from 26 to 28 June 1993 in the Hainstädter Sporthalle on the Offenbacher Landstraße.

The organizers Josef Stelz and Heinz Wolf sent over 400 invitations to the Peterswalder and Nollendorfer, who were expelled after World War II.

Also, this meeting, which is expected to hundreds of visitors in Hainburg, is a renewed peaceful commitment to the ancient ancestral home.

The Peterswald Heimattreffen not only cultivates the cultural heritage of the Sudeten German homeland, but also conveys a wealth of knowledge about the once flourishing industrial and agricultural community of Peterswald through an exhibition of industrial products and photos.

The course of the tradition traditionally held at Peter and Paul is provided as follows:

Saturday, June 26, 1993 :

                   Arrival of the visitors in the sports hall or in 
the selected accommodation.

                                                 From 6.00 pm Cozy reunion party in the sports hall.

Sunday, June 27, 1993 :

9.00 o’clock death 
honor with Kranz laid down at the 
memorial in the 
Hainstädter cemetery.

10.00 pm Festive Mass in the Catholic. Church of St. Nicholas in 
Klein-Krotzenburg. It is celebrated by our home 
minister, Reverend Hans-Peter Brucker.

11.00 am Official part with welcome and 
welcome speeches in the presence of numerous 
guests of honor in the sports hall on Offenbacher Landstraße.

2:00 pm Cozy get-together.

Monday, June 28, 1993 :

                            The program will be announced to the festival visitors.

The Peterswalder Heimatgemeinschaft is looking forward to a lively participation in their 18th Heimattreffen in Hainburg.

Josef Stelz / Heinz Wolf


Report on the 10th meeting of the Nollendorfer

Our 10th meeting was a particularly nice meeting, because it was mainly in Nollendorf and had to show high numbers of visitors.

The compatriots, who traveled abroad in their own car, were quartered in Markersbach and Bad Gottleuba in Saxony. On Saturday evening, 13 June, 75 compatriots were gathered in the inn “Zur Linde” in Markersbach. The recognition after often 50 years was not easy and then every time a lot of joy.

Since in Nollendorf in the days before dense fog lay and wet and cold wind made the stay outdoors very difficult, we were over the bright sunshine on Sunday, June 14, 1992, delighted. We gathered on the new parking lot opposite the former church. From there we went with our wreath to the commemorative cross set up by the brothers Freigang and laid down the wreath.Since Mr. Dechant i. R. Robert’s father died on May 31 at the age of 78 and could not undertake the inauguration of the cross, Lm. Willibald Bail addressed the approximately 135 compatriots present.

After this celebration, the Nollendorfer went with their children and relatives on the familiar fields and corridors. There is almost nothing left of their houses. In between, the countrymen took lunch, as well as coffee and cake in the former “Gasthaus zur Schenke”. The inn was partially renovated inside and outside and reopened as “Restaurace U Napoleona”.

Towards evening we drove in column to Mariaschein and had at 18.00 clock in the pilgrimage church a fair in German. She was represented by Mr. Vikar Cukr. An organist, a flute player and a singing group have solemnly framed the service.

The fair was very well attended, because Mrs. Gretl Bauer, Tyssa, was in the “Prague People’s Daily” of June 5, 1992 an ad for this fair abandoned. And so a number of compatriots came by train from Aussig, Teplitz and Oberleutensdorf to this service.

Some of the compatriots then drove back to their homes in Bohemia, Saxony and Thuringia. One part had to start the journey home on Monday morning. A group of 37 compatriots drove to Schneeberg on Monday and hiked from there to Hohe Schneeberg. We had lunch break in Tyssa in the inn “POS” of the family Gerhard and Helga Engl, both from Aussig-Türmitz.

Many compatriots were happy and appreciative of this meeting, but also thoughtful. 
“We were in the old country and yet no longer at home, time has changed too much!”